ineluctable - incapable of being evaded; inescapable; inevitable (from ulysses, my current reading choice [read: torture]...'ineluctable modality of the visible')

orbis unum - one world
as a reminder to try to do little things for the environment where you can, here's five random ideas for energy and waste conservation around your home:
- hang your clothes to dry - this uses less energy than a dryer, it's cheaper, and it's better for your clothes.
- switch to paperless billing - change all your bills (utilities, cell phone, bank statements, etc.) to electronic billing. it can save a lot of paper, and can also help to protect you against identity theft.
- use recycled paint - if re-painting your home's interior, consider buying recycled paint instead of new paint. it eliminates waste and saves you money at the same time. recycled paint comes in a number of colors, and there's a lot of suppliers.
- permanent vs. disposable -buy permanent items instead of disposables as often as possible. use digital cameras instead of disposable cameras or film; cloth napkins instead of paper napkins; storage containers instead of plastic bags; quality vs. quantity.
- run full loads - wash full loads of laundry and dishes in your washer and dishwasher. several smaller loads use much more water than fewer bigger loads.
Or if you are like me you can:
ReplyDelete* Never wash your dishes and use the same bowl and spoon for all of your meals.
* Wear the same dirty clothes for months at a time. No loads use less water than full loads.
* Never flush the toilet.