Tuesday, March 31, 2009


rapture - ecstatic joy or delight, joyful ecstasy, the carrying of a person to another place or sphere of existence

i'm just 8 weeks away from the 1/2 marathon, but have managed to build my mileage up to 7.mile runs. barring any injuries, i should be ready to go come race time. i've been able to push my pace faster than i expected, even on the longer runs, so i just may meet or break my goal. i've been running every other day, and gradually adding on the miles, with shorter runs spaced between the building runs. here's a graphical look at my last 10 workouts:as time goes on, i'll start to put two short, speed-building workouts in between the longer runs, but wanted to make sure i had a good mileage base before doing so. whether or not i stay in good enough form to make it to race day (i've been sidelined by stress fractures all too often in the past), i am enjoying the consistency of running in my life, and i actually find myself missing it on my off-days. running is surprisingly therapeutic. i'm excited to feel the rapture of the post-10-mile-zone that i experienced when i was training for a marathon. trust me--it does exist, and it feels great.

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