Monday, April 13, 2009 . conservation@home
ineluctable - incapable of being evaded; inescapable; inevitable (from ulysses, my current reading choice [read: torture]...'ineluctable modality of the visible')
orbis unum - one world


as a reminder to try to do little things for the environment where you can, here's five random ideas for energy and waste conservation around your home:
  • hang your clothes to dry - this uses less energy than a dryer, it's cheaper, and it's better for your clothes.
  • switch to paperless billing - change all your bills (utilities, cell phone, bank statements, etc.) to electronic billing. it can save a lot of paper, and can also help to protect you against identity theft.
  • use recycled paint - if re-painting your home's interior, consider buying recycled paint instead of new paint. it eliminates waste and saves you money at the same time. recycled paint comes in a number of colors, and there's a lot of suppliers.
  • permanent vs. disposable -buy permanent items instead of disposables as often as possible. use digital cameras instead of disposable cameras or film; cloth napkins instead of paper napkins; storage containers instead of plastic bags; quality vs. quantity.
  • run full loads - wash full loads of laundry and dishes in your washer and dishwasher. several smaller loads use much more water than fewer bigger loads.

1 comment:

  1. Or if you are like me you can:

    * Never wash your dishes and use the same bowl and spoon for all of your meals.

    * Wear the same dirty clothes for months at a time. No loads use less water than full loads.

    * Never flush the toilet.
